Wednesday, December 01, 2010 Dr. Frank Robert Silverson

glynn424 / pixabay

Life may be argued as being a stage with human beings as the actors. These actors are knowingly or unknowingly acting in one way or the other. It’s a fact of life that some people are better adept at the demands of acting having been endowed or acquired the right attributes over time. Some others try to play in an unfruitful way, roles that they are not carved out for. There are those who have somehow derived a false sense of confidence garnered from their past escapades that convinces them that they are somewhat ‘invincible’. It comes therefore as no surprise when such people exhibit reckless intrepidity without circumspection. History has never been generous to such people. Their ultimate end is firmly documented in the minds of those they purported to deceive for a season.
In this three piece article, I intend to tackle the issue of extra-marital affairs. I will aspire to refrain from replicating the voluminous literature from the internet amongst other sources. It’s my quest that this article proves a real succour to my readership who can view themselves in the mirror of this discourse.
For the purposes of my article, an extra-marital affair is used to refer to an intense amorous relationship, usually of a short duration. That does not preclude the fact that it may at times be relatively long. It may specifically relate to a sexual relationship between two people who are not married to each other. Contemplation as embraced here denotes the act of contemplating; thoughtful observation. It also encompasses a full or deep consideration; reflection. These definitions form the bedrock of my reasoning and provide the thrust of opinions disseminated in this piece.
My targeted audience falls into four distinct groups;
  • ·         Group One: Those who have neither had nor contemplated an affair;
  • ·         Group Two: Those who are contemplating having an affair;
  • ·         Group Three: Those presently having an affair; and
  • ·         Group Four: Those who have had an affair in the past.

The broad audience above justify why this article is broken down into three parts to ensure that the subject matter is well dealt with. Part 1 of this article kicks off the discussion in a rather interesting way. Part 2 completes the narrative and tackles the subject matter in a more in-depth manner, while Part 3 offers some sound advice.
For a long time, Frederick Brown had been a firm believer in the doctrine of passionate monogamy. Having been raised up in a very devout Christian home, he had been fortunate to have had chastity inculcated as part of his values. Such good values ingrained in him had stood him in a very good stead for many years. It was not surprising that he finally crossed the ‘line’ when he got married, as a way of consummating his marriage. Prior to his encounter, he had construed people who had affairs, or even contemplated them as either lacking good judgement or bereft of a smidgen of discretion. Marriage in his view was meant to be such bliss, reminiscent of the fairytale stories he read in school; stories that ended up along the lines of, “and they lived together happily ever after.”
In his marital life, he had been pretty careful about the opposite sex to ensure that he did not find himself in any compromising situations that would test him beyond his tensile strength. He had been impressively successful in that wise. Little did he know that he was yet to meet his real test!
With familiarity amongst others discounting rather than augmenting the consentaneity in his marriage, he failed to observe that this contributed to a chink in his armour against any form of extra-marital affair. It appears that ‘opportunity’ seems to present itself to people when they appear to be at their nadir. It was therefore not strange when he enrolled for a course to further ascent his repertoire of skills that he met his most potent test to date. Previously, he had met women from all sorts of backgrounds for whom his resolute resolve to hold on to the tenets of marriage had remained absolutely and firmly impervious.
On the very first day of the course, Freddy noticed this real head-spinner in his class. Not that it was a deliberate desire to notice but it was so palpable that this lady outshone the other women in the class by a mile. To attempt to give a vivid description of her looks would be an elusive aspiration. What Freddy could say though is that, she was mesmerisingly gorgeous, captivatingly prepossessing, irresistibly attractive and stunningly pretty. For once, he subscribed to the myth that God must have spent more time creating some people than He did others. If the looks knocked him off his perch, her intelligence and achievements in life, were yet to further enervate and debilitate his defence mechanism with a view to render them porous. He was to discover that this was a real beauty with real brains!!! A further discovery he was about to make was that this lady knew how to speak to a king in a man.
Freddy could not help but to really notice this lady and occasionally stole discreet glances without getting spotted. He did muse to himself what a real distraction this lady was becoming. For someone who had shown unbreakable focus to come this far, this was highly atypical. He unsuccessfully convinced himself that there was no way he should get close to this lady. To him, this was unchartered waters as the quaint feeling that he had for this particular woman was abstruse and inexplicable. He seem to have been enamoured by this ‘wonderfully’ made creature.
Suffice to say that there are times when a mouse goes a-racing after a cat. This was very atypical of the previous people he had met. It’s your guess who is the cat and who happens to be the mouse in this scenario. Is it not strange that at some points in our life, we are willing to make exceptions for people and let our guards down? Is this a classic case to corroborate the assertion “to every rule, there is an exception”?
By the third day of the afore-mentioned course, believe it or not, they had hit it off. The chemistry that existed between them was enough to set a whole city on fire. For once he seem to have lost his sense of discipline as to the fact that he should not be building ‘strange’ bridges with this lady who was also married like he was. He was unusually willing to do everything within his exceptional framework to make this lady excited.
For someone who had neither had nor contemplated having an affair, this new ‘friendship’ was proving exciting as well as strange in a sense. It was definitely untested waters that he needed to navigate.
After a couple of weeks, he had to wake up to the reality that he was beginning to have divided attention. He noticed that this lady was becoming a part of his life at a very frightening pace. To portray the picture of not enjoying the attention that he was receiving from this particular lady would be an apotheosis of economising the truth. If he did portray such a position, it would have to be construed as lacking a modicum of integrity and taken with a pinch of salt.
What he did when he had the wakeup call is what motivates this piece and the next ones. To avoid this account from being overly long, prudence suggests that I as the writer break the article into three parts to ensure that the information that needs to be disseminated is done in the best way possible. It may sound like an anti-climax if you are getting drawn in my narrative. I will continue in the second part of the article.
In Part 2 of this article, I intend to cover root mentality as against branch mentality as it pertains to the discourse. I hope to present a picture of what became of Frederick Brown’s new ‘friendship’. I will also attempt to present nuggets of wisdom applicable to the four classes of audience afore-mentioned. All in all, the motivation is for these three articles to enounce the findings of this narrative and pray that it acts as a didactic.