Saturday, December 11, 2010 Dr. Frank Robert Silverson

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Apologies to my readers who have been following my writings and have patiently waited for this article with feverish anticipation and anguish. I would like to believe that you have had enough time to mentally journey through to your own predicted end. Any form of conjecture about how this interesting story ends is anyone’s guess and as such perfectly within the frame of events.
Before proceeding to distil some words of wisdom (in Part 3) to my four targeted audience mentioned in Part 1 of this interesting story, I must inform my readers that I had a brief hiatus from working on the Parts 2 and 3 of this account to write, “The Ultimate Leak”, “Free Press or Foolishness” and three tranches of “Gambling – Addiction or Choice”. I am sure some of you have had the chance to read these articles. Feedback is always appreciated.
In my previous article (Part 1), I mentioned that by the third day of the course Frederick Brown and his new friend had hit it off. The evening of that day, which was a Wednesday could not end more quickly for the next day’s lectures to begin. At home, he could not wait for day to break. There was added motivation to go back in the morning to further fortify this new found affection.
On Thursday morning, Freddy’s new found friend whom he nicknamed as Noon-Fantasy happened to come to class just after he had walked in. They just could not stop chatting before the lectures began. The break sessions including lunch afforded them vital opportunities to further cement this blossoming ‘dalliance’.
After class, they were off to this glitzy and grandiosely fashioned restaurant for dinner. Fortunately or unfortunately, Freddy’s wife was feuding and was neither bothered where he was nor what was happening to me. It was his chance to stay outdoors without worry. He knew his ‘madam’ would neither ring nor text in this ‘overdrive’ mood she was in.
Like I said earlier, he was more than willing like a possessed fetish priest, to say and do all the right things for Noon-Fantasy. He had made a smashing impression the day before and he could not afford to put a foot wrong.
So they found themselves in this ambience that can be best described as oozing an inimitable romantic appeal. The candles in this dimmed-up restaurant seemed to burn for a lifetime. The courtesy displayed and warmth afforded by the waitresses seemed to be part of the bill they had to pay at the end. Money, off course was no barrier on an occasion like this. These waitresses went about their work with such panache that could only merit admiration. It was reminiscent of an accomplished and well extolled orchestra’s bravura. They must have felt the magnetism of the emotions that was emanating from them and sought to only play their part in ensuring a noteworthy climax.
Being sat opposite this all-alluring, ‘well-crafted’ and ‘endowed’ beauty, this dinner seemed to be fit for a king and queen of all classes. Noon-Fantasy radiated so much oomph Freddy could not help but feast his eyes on her incessantly. He had truly been enamoured by the prepossessing image of his inamorata. The dim lightening also contributed to his seeing of fictional images that even if he saw during broad daylight would not justify or be worthy of any criticism. One could bet a million men would have either seen the same images or even more. It was like a fairytale that existed in time, now being played in real life. He could not believe his ‘chance’. It was a scene best reserved for movies and he occasionally wondered whether he was either in the cinema or day-dreaming. The candid reality though, was that the feeling was too good to be true. It was a romantic dinner for two people who seemed to have been fashioned for each other and fate had only orchestrated a chance meeting.
They had some interesting exchanges that night. However, Freddy confided that the magnitude of the vows that he had taken before God and all the witnesses was too grave for him to cross the line. He left her without doing anything untoward. The first text from her that evening was that: “You are a gentleman.”
In keeping with my pledge in Part 1 that I am motivated to write this article based this interesting narrative and pray that the ideas enunciated prove a didactic, I now focus on this all-important segment. Having had this wakeup call, Freddy had to adopt a lateral and rational thought process to his life and the way forward. This approach very much fits in with my championed idea of ROOT MENTALITY as against BRANCH MENTALITY in my circles.
There is nothing like coming face to face with an issue that one knows the best answer to and still finding themselves in an ambivalent position. A situation that requires you to make some hard decisions that you would rather avoid. Such decisions are complicated by the fact that, what your head believes is right is contrary to what your heart longs for or vice versa. It then feels like your life is split into two warring factions and an armistice could not come faster enough to avoid a pyrrhic victory from occurring as a prognosis.
I now focus the discussion on root mentality as against branch mentality and how it relates to the discourse. To avoid this article from becoming too lengthy, I would be as brief as possible. For those who would like to understand the subject better, you may return after completing this article, to click on this link ( This article only gives a brief summary with a more detailed analysis on my blog.
Freddy’s wakeup call was a real eye opener to alert him of a drift in his life. At that point, remaining undecided was not an option. He would have gladly taken that option if it was on the cards. Freddy had two strategies to solve or ameliorate this situation; apply either branch mentality or root mentality.
I define branch mentality as encompassing a decision-making process, and on a broader scale, a pattern of life that focuses on ephemeral gains and solutions. Root mentality on the other hand is more concerned with taking a long-term view to issues and life in general.
BRANCH MENTALITY (BM) usually deals with symptoms and what can be readily seen, such as the branches of a tree. It is usually an easier option on the surface but more costly in the long term. Such a mentality would require patching up over and over again as a particular situation may keep recurring. This approach also adopts a short-term view to actions and appears to be usually the least expensive in the short-term but becomes more expensive over the long-term. BM involves less mental strain and may lead to thinking through options in a haphazard manner and making decisions on the spur of the moment. It borders on parochialism and thus focuses on a section or a part of the picture whilst ignoring the bigger picture.
Another key characteristic of branch mentality is that it borders on escapism and hardly takes note of reality. The downside of this type of mentality is that you may appear to have a quick fix now but you can expect to deal with the issue for a lifetime.
In applying this to our story above, Freddy had the choice to either continue basking in the ephemeral buzz from this new friendship and use it as a crutch to limp through other issues or wake up to the realisation that his marriage required more work and that it would not sort itself out. He surely needed to apply root mentality to this situation.
ROOT MENTALITY (RM), in contrast to Branch Mentality, deals with the causes – what cannot be readily seen, like the roots of a tree. It uses the symptoms to discern that there are causes and further investigates the causes behind the symptoms. It is a more difficult option in the short term but gets easier with time. This approach is synonymous with the saying, “a stitch in time saves nine” and as the Good Book states, “catch the little foxes that ruin the vine”. Yes, catch the little foxes now before they become giants that would be hard to kill. This approach therefore adopts a long-term view to issues whiles keeping an eye on tomorrow, with the knowledge that yesterday’s actions will splash like waves of the shores of tomorrow for a season. It maintains that you reap what you sow and today’s actions are usually rewarded tomorrow.
Root Mentality involves more mental strain but it is more beneficial and rewarding than branch mentality. It involves thinking through your options in a logical manner whilst abhorring rush decision making. It looks at the bigger/whole picture and usually guarantees a much longer lasting solution. In essence, what RM advocates is that you deal with the ‘roots’ and that failure to do so will cause the ‘plant’ to sprout again at the ‘scent of water’.
So here was Freddy, faced with an interesting choice between two opposing worlds. Would he choose to continue being the well respected family man that he was or be found to have gone astray? He had to weigh the potential gains against the losses. He went on a mental journey through all the possible options and arrived at a conclusion that he was very proud of. It was not an easy decision considering what he had to walk away from. In any case, he promises to make that same decision over and over again as that was the most sensible option arrived at through the application of root mentality.
I am sure someone reading this story is in a quandary between sticking to that wife or husband you have come far with, or you may be thinking about going for a new person. If someone says that the ephemeral boost to ego and self-esteem that new friendships bring does not feel good then they are lying. Have you ever met someone new and wondered where they had been hiding all this while and why you did not meet them before you met your spouse?
The grass usually seems greener on the other side and it sure does feel greener at times but it is not always green and you may be actually going from frying pan to fire. It can be argued that ephemeral pleasures and lusts must be viewed through the spectacles of their lifelong consequences.
If you are reading this, then by all means learn something as it may stand you well either today or tomorrow. I shall return in Part 3 with some real words of wisdom for my targeted audience.